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Kaizen Energy

Kaizen Energy, our Energy Information System (EIS) platform, has portfolio-level and building-level energy management capabilities including powerful energy baselining, multiple resource metering and interactive views with flexible perspectives. Our sophisticated Energy Management Information System (EMIS) encompasses energy Monitoring, Targeting & Reporting with weather normalized baselining, benchmarking and other advanced energy features.

What isKaizen Energy?

Kaizen Energy can help your organization to measure its energy performance across your entire portfolio of buildings, set targets for improvement, identify areas of focus, and measure your achievements. All of this in an intuitive Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product that is economical to deploy and easy to manage.

Kaizen Energy includes the support for multiple metering options, powerful energy modelling, flexible organizing perspectives and comprehensive reporting. Used on its own, or together with Kaizen Fault Detection and Diagnostics (FDD), Kaizen Energy becomes a comprehensive solution for building performance and energy analytics.

Interactive Perspectives

Integrated building management coupled with shortages of qualified facility experts have resulted in teams managing not one, but multiple buildings in one portfolio, and even multiple portfolios of multiple buildings. Kaizen Energy’s Perspectives handle logical groupings of buildings and meters by geographical region, building category, system and equipment type, with interactive visualizations and reporting to help with your energy conservation and Measurement and Verification (M&V) initiatives.

Organize Analytics

Energy and sustainability teams manage building portfolios with multiple resources (electricity, water, renewables), multiple consumption categories (HVAC, lighting, IT equipment), and a wide array of energy meters (main metering, sub-metering and virtual metering). Kaizen Energy supports flexible meter grouping and multiple metering options, allowing for separate accounting for each meter and aggregating energy usage at the top levels.

Powerful Energy Baselining

Since all comparable metrics to determine performance (cost and energy savings, GHG emissions reduction) are established in relation to the baseline, baseline calculations must be as accurate as possible. Kaizen Energy supports several baselining options including historical with various date range selections, and multi-variable linear regression analysis to measure portfolio, building and system-level performance.

DiscoverHow can Kaizen Energy help you

Whether it’s one building, multiple buildings in one portfolio, or multiple portfolios of multiple buildings, Kaizen Energy handles every scenario.

Kaizen Energy connects to and ingests data from main utility meters, sub-meters, and virtual energy meters in order to apply automated analytics to the received data. The data connection is realized either through the installation of CopperTee’s data collection device at the building, or via a remote connection to your existing metering systems.

Book a Consultation

Book your consultation with us today and unlock the power of our cutting-edge solutions. Whether you’re seeking to optimize building performance, improve energy efficiency, or streamline operations, our team of experts is here to guide you every step of the way.